The Senior Warden is the second of the three principal officers of a lodge, and is the Master’s principal deputy. If the Worshipful Master is absent then the Senior Warden presides at meetings as “acting Master”, and may act for the Master in all matters of lodge business. Most times, it is presumed that the Senior Warden will become the next Worshipful Master. The position is an elected office and has a one-year term.
The Level is the Jewel associated with this office and demonstrates that we are descended from the same stock, partake of the same nature, and share the same hope; and though distinctions among men are necessary to preserve subordination, yet no eminence of station should make us forget that we are brethren; for he who is placed on the lowest spoke of fortune’s wheel, may be entitled to our regard; because a time will come, and the wisest know not how soon, when all distinction, but that of goodness, shall cease; and Death, the grand leveler of human greatness, will reduce us to the same state.
His regular attendance at our stated meetings is essentially necessary. In the absence of the Master, he is to govern this Lodge; in his presence, he is to assist him in the government of it. The lodge firmly relies on his knowledge of Masonry, and attachment to the Lodge, for the faithful discharge of the duties of this important position.